
Clarington Youth Baseball receives AED Donation from Monroe County EMS Association

Monroe County, Ohio — The Clarington Youth Baseball Association (CYBA) has enhanced its emergency preparedness with the donation of an Automated EXTERNAL Defibrillator (AED) monitor from the Monroe County EMS Association. This equipment will improve safety protocols for young athletes and spectators.

Youth sports are growing, and with this growth comes the need for proactive safety measures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 2,000 young individuals lose their lives to Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) each year in the United States. While such incidents have yet to occur within the CYBA, the association remains committed to safeguarding its participants and spectators.

Recognizing the importance of being prepared for cardiac emergencies, CYBA sought to acquire an AED monitor. AEDs provide immediate, life-saving intervention during instances of SCA. Responding to this need, the Monroe County EMS Association donated a new AED monitor, reinforcing the community’s dedication to public safety.

“This donation from Monroe County EMS Association is a game-changer for us,” said Amy Roberts, Co-Secretary of Clarington Youth Baseball Association. “Having an AED monitor on-site provides us with peace of mind and reinforces our dedication to prioritizing the safety and well-being of our youth athletes and spectators.”

This collaboration between CYBA and Monroe County EMS Association highlights the strength of community partnerships in fostering a safe environment for youth sports. With the AED monitor now in place, CYBA is well-equipped to continue its mission of promoting athleticism, camaraderie, and most importantly, safety.

The Clarington Youth Baseball Association (CYBA) is dedicated to fostering a love for baseball among young athletes in Clarington, Ohio and surrounding communities. Its mission is to promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal growth by providing safe, inclusive and supportive environment.

CYBA offers programs and leagues for different age groups, ensuring that every child can participate and thrive.


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