
Barton beats Maynard 7-1 in OVBL action

CRESCENT — With the Ohio Valley Baseball League’s regular season winding down, Barton has started to make its move.

The Braves (11-5) defeated Belmont County rival and three-time defending champion Maynard 7-1 Sunday on Henning Field inside Pramesa Park to take the league lead.

Former Martins Ferry standout Austin Bassa was near-perfect. The veteran righty carried a no-hitter into the seventh with two outs until Hunter Westlake slugged a solo home run. Mason Ramsay followed with a single for the only two hits the Indians could muster. Bassa fanned eight and walked one.

Barton scored three times in the bottom of the first, one in the second and added three more in the fourth for a 7-0 advantage.

Zach Smith drove in three runs with a single and double.

Cooper Blackburn chipped in a two-run single and Ben Wach and Jake Winland each singled twice and drove in a run. Colton Coss had two singles and Aaron Marovich a double.


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