
Sign-ups for Kiddie Kick program available until Aug. 17

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — All Belmont County or Ohio Valley youth with birth years in 2021 through 2011 can sign up on line at SCASA-Capstone.com

“We are continuing Kiddie Kick for children born in 2020. Eighth-graders who have turned 15 will be permitted to play,” Dave Hahn said.

Those having difficulty registering should contact the Registrar Kristina Scott after 5 p.m. at (740) 381-4202 or email kristinak4202@gmail.com. Registrations will close August 17 at midnight. This will be a hard closing so make sure you register before August 17.

Travel Teams will be formed with the U-10 to U-14 age groups. Teams will play other recreation teams in the Ohio Valley with the older teams playing within the region. The Kiddie Kick and Pre-Travel U-6 and U-8 will not travel outside of St. Clairsville. Travel team play will begin after September 14; Kiddie Kick September 14; Pre Travel begins September 16 for U6 and September 17 for U8.

Parents are encouraged to join the St. Clairsville Area Youth Soccer Association to support the program. See the website with any playing questions under Player/Parent on top right of the website. Contact Hahn at 695-4207, Rick Ferrell at 695-1995 with any other non-registration questions.


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