
West Liberty University women’s basketball team 24-25 schedule announced

WEST LIBERTY — The West Liberty University women’s basketball program and Head Coach Kyle Cooper announced their 2024-25 schedule. The season gets underway with a challenging neutral-site game against California (Pa.) on November 8, followed by a match-up against Edinboro the following day to close out the opening weekend at the Atlantic Region Crossover.

The Hilltoppers tip off for the first time, inside the Academic Sports and Recreation Complex on November 13 against Seton Hill. Two more home contests against Walsh (Ohio) and Ohio Dominican follow for WLU, before making the trek to Pittsburgh, Pa. to face off against Point Park, which following its acceptance into the NCAA Division II membership process, is the newest member institution in the Mountain East Conference.

December features a mix of home and away conference contests, with key encounters such as the game against Charleston and at West Virginia State. WLU will close out the 2024 calendar year with a trip to Tiffin (Ohio) on December 20.

The Hilltoppers tipoff the New Year with an away game against Frostburg State on January 8. January’s schedule includes key home games against Fairmont State and Concord, alongside road tests against Glenville State and Wheeling.

February and a single game in March concludes the regular season with a series of conference games, including matchups against Charleston and Glenville State. The Hilltoppers will close out the regular season against Ohio County rival Wheeling inside the friendly confines of the Academic Sports and Recreation Complex on March 1.

The MEC Basketball Tournament is scheduled for March 5-9 at Wesbanco Arena.


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