
Pilots tame the Wildcats

PADEN CITY — The River Pilots boys basketball team got the job done Wednesday, putting together a 75-23 victory over the Paden City Wildcats.

Evan Longwell led River with 16 points, followed by Derek Smith with 14 and Peyton Blue with 10. Longwell made five 3-pointers as the Pilots made a dozen as a team. Smith and Blue each made two.


MORGANTOWN — The Mohigans defended their homecourt against the Patriots with all five members of their starting lineup going into double figures.

Waylon Colistra led Morgantown with 17. The Mohigans led 14-26 after the first quarter and 26-51 at halftime.

JD Williams led Wheeling Park with 17 points, followed by Jay Bordas’ 10 points.


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