
The Ohio Valley Ironmen add two more to the roster

MOUNDSVILLE – The Ohio Valley Ironmen have added two more players to their roster for the 2025 outdoor football season. They are athlete/wide receiver Cahsid Raymond and offensive lineman Desmond Thomas.

Raymond, 6-3, 180, is a native of Philadelphia and recently completed his college career at Mansfield University where he re-wrote the career record books.

In 2021, he was named the team MVP after throwing for more than 1,210 yards and rushing for 900 more in just eight games.

A year later, he passed for 1,253 yards and 11 touchdowns while rushing for 850 and seven more six-pointers. In 2023, he accounted for a little more than 1,300 total yards and a dozen touchdowns.

In 2024, he was named the CSFL Offensive Player of the Year after passing for 686 yards and seven TDs; rushing for 604 yards and nine touchdowns; and catching 18 passes for 386 and a score.

Thomas, 6-4, 310, played his rookie season with the Green Bay Blizzard of the Indoor Football League after a college career at NCAA Division II Limestone University in South Carolina.

He made nearly 30 starts in college.


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