Many Longtime Elm Grove Businesses Thrive

Staff Writer
WHEELING — Several Elm Grove business representatives say location is just one element that has allowed many companies in that section of the Friendly City to relish long-term success.
Elm Grove Riesbeck’s Food Market Store Operator Justin Boynes said the Elm Grove area has provided the grocery store chain with a tremendous customer base in that section of Wheeling.
“We’ve just had a lot of repeat customers, a lot of loyal customers who come in,” Boynes said. “It’s an area that I’ve worked in my whole life pretty much, and I’ve been in three different jobs in this area. You see a lot of the same people, and there’s a lot of loyalty. We try to set ourselves apart with customer service and good pricing … and it keeps everyone returning to the store. This is one of the best stores that we’ve had in the chain for a long time and this valley is the reason why.”
John Billie, president of the Elm Grove Business Association, said there are about 47 business members that belong to the organization. He said the Elm Grove area continues to be a great location for many large and small “mom and pop” type of businesses.
Billie said the business association allows members a chance to attend monthly meetings and network — not only by getting business information out there, but by getting other important community event information out to the public for events like fundraisers. He said the association is involved in other events throughout the year, such as a spring cleanup and a Taste of Elm Grove in October that raises funds for scholarships for local students.
“It’s a means of just trying to help promote what is going on here in this area,” Billie said.
He noted there are about 150 businesses in the Elm Grove area. They include everything from the larger businesses to the smaller “mom and pop” businesses. He said the association is not only a way to help larger businesses stay involved in the community, it also is a great assistance for start-up businesses in the community.
Silver Chopsticks owner Angela Truong said Elm Grove has served as a great location for her business to flourish for the past 20 years. She said the location, combined with providing her customers with a great product, has resulted in a very loyal customer following over the years and provided her business with continued success.
“We have a good quality product. We try to use good local produce. Our vegetables are from Jebbia’s, and we have good quality meat,” said Truong. “Everything here on the menu is made from scratch.”