
‘Scary but Cool’

I was lightly racking my brain for column ideas and decided to ask my son Henry what I should write about this week. His answer was quick and decisive — “Cyborg.”

“Why Cyborg?” I said.

“Because,” he said.

“What do you like about Cyborg?” I said.

“I like him a lot … because he’s Cyborg,” he added.

For those of you not familiar with Cyborg, he is a DC comic-book super hero who is half-man, half-machine. That’s really the depth of my knowledge about him, other than he looks both “scary and cool” in the latest Justice League movie.

We recently allowed Henry to watch parts of the live-action movie after he did much begging about it.

I was leary to do so because most of those movies are rated PG-13. Since my husband already viewed it he fast-forwarded through the parts that he believed would be too much for Henry.

For example, in a previous movie Superman died and they decided they had to bring him back to life to defeat Steppenwolf. Seeing Superman in a coffin really wasn’t something I wanted to see either.

So Henry got to see his favorite parts — the battles. He recently has started getting into Wonder Woman, a character I used to like when I was a kid. And I guess I still do!

I’m glad that Henry enjoyed watching his favorite superheroes battle the bad guys — and that he hasn’t had any bad dreams afterward. Some of those characters can be pretty creepy, such as Steppenwolf’s parademons, which had sharp pointy teeth. I kept asking Henry if he was scared during the movie. He said “no,” and “Yeah, they’re scary but cool.”

Hanson can be reached at shanson@timesleaderon line.com.


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