
Oglebay Hosting Four-Day Fourth of July Extravaganza

Photo Provided Oglebay Park will be celebrating the Independence Day holiday weekend with a four-day patriotic celebration. Events are planned from Wednesday through Saturday with multiple fireworks displays, live music, family activities and more at the park.

WHEELING — Oglebay Park’s Salute to Patriotism, sponsored by Community Bank, will feature two fireworks displays and much more during an expanded celebration of the Independence Day holiday this coming Wednesday through Saturday, July 3-6.

Fireworks shows are planned for dusk July 3 and July 6 over Schenk Lake. Between the displays there will be plenty of activities for families to enjoy.


Starting at 3 p.m. Wednesday, there will be inflatables for children at Schenk Lake. People can use the inflatables for $2 per ride or get unlimited access for $5.

At 6 p.m. Wednesday, a foam party will take place near the lake. Then the fireworks display, sponsored by the Schenk Charitable Trust, will wrap up the evening at dusk and feature music by Eli & the Mojo Kings and Daniel Welsh.


On Thursday, inflatables will be open beside Schenk Lake. There will also be live music from 7-10 p.m. on the Lakeview Patio. The park’s attractions will be open including its outdoor swimming, miniature golf, aerial challenge course and more.


On Friday, a pool party at the Crispin Center Outdoor Pool begins at 4 p.m. and will feature games, a DJ, face painting, balloon artists, bounce houses and more. There will also be food to purchase and cocktails for adults. Live music will be played by Tumbleweed from 7-10 p.m.


On Saturday, July 6, the Good Zoo will host “Brews & Bites: A Wild Zoo Walk” from 5-8 p.m.

There will be craft beers, snacks and exploration of the zoo after hours.

The cost is $30 or $25 for children and adults not drinking beer. People can also take a train ride at the zoo.

Then at dusk a fireworks display will be set off over Schenk Lake and feature more live music.

For additional information about Oglebay’s Salute to Patriotism and other events taking place this coming holiday weekend at the park, visit www.oglebay.com.


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