
Candidates to compete in OVAC Queen of Queens

WHEELING — The OVAC Queen of Queens will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 18 at the J.B. Chambers Performing Arts Center on the Wheeling Park High School campus due to renovations taking place at the Capitol Theatre.

The queen will be crowned at the OVAC Football Game on Saturday, July 20. Tickets for both events can be purchased through links found on the ovac.org website. Tickets will be $10 for adults. Students are admitted for $1 to both events.

Girls from 23 OVAC schools will be competing for the title of Queen of Queens. They will be judged on their interview, talent and poise/presentation. The interview takes place prior to the beginning of the actual talent show itself.

“We are so excited to once again provide the OVAC All Star Week activities and give all of our young people the platform to shine and share their abilities, whether it be football, band, cheerleading or Queen of Queens,” said Joyce Jingle, Queen of Queens director. “The memories they make this week will last a lifetime.”


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