
Viennese Winter Ball to be held Feb. 1 at Oglebay Park’s Glessner Auditorium

WHEELING — The Viennese Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1, at Oglebay’s Glessner Auditorium. Members of the Viennese Winter Ball Cotillion will be introduced to patrons during the Patron Party, which takes place the weekend before the ball.

The 2025 Cotillion features 10 young women and 10 young men, all high school seniors from the area. A highlight of the Patron Party is their elegant descent down the grand staircase of the Stifel Fine Arts Center for the introductions.

This black-tie event is organized by ball committee members Carol Stryker and Lori Horvath. Assisting guests during the evening are the 2025 pages — six young ladies who are juniors at local high schools.

This year’s ball is co-chaired by Stella Boldrick and Christin Byrum. Additional committee members and their responsibilities include: Audrey Abraham: attendants; Kelly Bettem: desserts; Elizabeth Birch: treasurer; Karen Blair: flowers; Miriam Roth Douglas: transportation; Danielle Ellwood: decor; Suzanne Rohrig Gaiser: intermezzo; Missy Glessner: sponsors; Michael Hires: invitations; Lori Horvath: Patron Party; Cynthia Morrison: public relations; Claire Norman: cotillion; Stephanie Skadra: programs; Elisabeth Slater: reservations; Carol Stryker: Patron Party; and Micah Underwood: sponsors.

For the ball’s opening procession into Glessner Auditorium, Alexander J. Roth will serve as grand herald. Chamberlains Patrick J. Boldrick and John Mark Helfer will assist. Cheryl Pompeo, choreographer and dance instructor for the Cotillion, has expertly prepared the group for the evening. The 2025 Cotillion is generously sponsored by Les DeFelice of Visiting Angels. This year’s Cotillion member table sponsors are Mr. and Mrs. James Carson and Mr. James H. Frey and Mr. Michael P. Hires.

The evening will feature an elegant formal dinner

Proceeds from the Patron Party and the Viennese Winter Ball benefit the Wheeling Symphony.

To make a reservation, please contact Libby Slater at 304-312-3745.


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