
St. C. gets fired up about Food Truck Friday

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA Vance Amos cooks a pizza for a customer on the Wood Fired Pizza Co.’s 6,300-pound wood fire oven at the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Food Truck Friday event.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce hosted its weekly Food Truck Friday at 117 E. Main St.

The series of events starts at 11 a.m. and ends when the food is sold out.

This week’s featured business was The Wood Fired Pizza Co., a family-owned business owned and operated by husband Vance Amos and wife Tiffany Nardo-Amos.

The food truck has operated since 2016 but recently opened a brick-and-mortar location at the Waterfront Hall in Wheeling, next to Avenue Eats.

“It’s a great opportunity for us. We were looking to expand and Dan, the owner of the building, Tiffany and I went down there and met him and as soon as we met him we knew it was a good partnership,” Vance Amos said.

He added that the biggest hurdle with starting the new location was getting a 5,500-pound wood fire oven into Waterfront Hall.

“We had to take out a wall to bring the oven in,” he said.

Nardo-Amos is a first-generation Italian immigrant who has experience in the food service industry. Her parents formerly owned a Mediterranean restaurant, which was located where Chaps Bar and Grill is now along National Road east of Morristown.

“Our house is like the family house, so there’s always pool parties and family events, and we used to make pizzas on the grill and everybody loved them so much that it just felt like a natural fit,” Vance Amos said.

The Wood Fired Pizza Co. doesn’t only have a brick-and-mortar location and a food truck, it also caters events such as weddings and corporate activities. Amos said he tells people they do everything from pizza to prime rib.

The St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce will be continuing to have Food Truck Friday throughout the summer with Hudson’s Brick Oven Pizza based in Barnesville returning to downtown St. Clairsville on June 21. Totally Baked Bakery LLC from Bethesda is slated to be featured on June 28.

For more information on the upcoming lineup for the rest of the summer’s Food Truck Fridays, go to the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page or official website at stcchamber.com.

If you are interested in participating as a vendor, call the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce at 740-695-9623.


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