
Where history meets progress

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA The newest addition to the village of Barnesville is a mural created by Barn Artist Scott Hagan on the north side of the Barnesville Antique Mall.

BARNESVILLE — The village of Barnesville celebrated its new mural, located on the north exterior wall of the Barnesville Antique Mall, on Thursday.

The Barnesville Area Chamber of Commerce commissioned Barn Artist Scott Hagan to paint a mural that displays several aspects of the village.

“It definitely brings out all of the highlights of the Barnesville community,” chamber Director Jill Hissom said. “It has the Belmont County Victorian Mansion Museum, a pumpkin, the Depot station, and the town clock.”

She added that the mural includes Barnesville’s slogan, “Where history meets progress,” which she believes is the perfect motto for the village — a way to honor its past while looking forward to the future.

Hissom said the mural has been in the works for the past year, adding that the village has been in the process of updating and restoring several murals around the community.

“We are complimented frequently on our beautiful murals that are painted on the buildings downtown,” she said. “Our latest one is just another beautiful attraction to our beautiful downtown community.”

She added that she believes the mural is an appealing way to welcome people entering the village coming from the north on 800.

The village received several grants through Belmont County Tourism Council, and this mural is the newest addition to come as a result. It was made possible by Belmont County Tourism’s Grant Assistance Program, or GAP grant, program as well as a donation from Texas-based energy company Grenadier Energy and the village of Barnesville totaling $18,000.

“It just really represents the village of Barnesville,” Hissom said.

The mural was completed a week prior to the unveiling. The chamber decided to hold an event to gather community members and celebrate the newest addition to the several murals around the village.

The short celebration saw Barnesville Mayor Jake Hershberger thank the sponsors as well as congratulate the residents who helped get the project completed. Refreshments were provided by Shekinah Church.


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