
Wheeling Heritage seeking ‘Show of Hands’ applicants

WHEELING — Wheeling Heritage is accepting applications for its upcoming “Show of Hands” event, which provides entrepreneurs and community members with the chance to secure funding for their ideas.

The event will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, at 6 p.m. on the third floor of the Wheeling Artisan Center, located at 1400 Main St. in Wheeling.

Aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, and community members with projects that can enhance the Wheeling area are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, and can be submitted at wheelingheritage.org/show-of-hands.

Show of Hands, sponsored by Orrick, is a unique crowdfunding event where community members rally to support innovative ideas that can positively impact the Wheeling community. Since its inception, Show of Hands has contributed $143,864 in funding to support local businesses and community projects in Wheeling.

“Show of Hands is more than just an opportunity to secure funding–it’s a platform that celebrates the creativity, determination, and innovation of our community,” said Riley Carpenter, director of heritage programming at Wheeling Heritage. “Hosting the final event of 2024 was an inspiring experience, and I’m thrilled to begin a new season for 2025.

“It’s not only about the chance to win but also about the exposure, the connections made, and the opportunity to share your vision with others who are equally passionate about enhancing Wheeling,” Carpenter added. “I can’t wait to see the ideas and entrepreneurs that will take the stage this year.”

Applications are due by Dec. 16. A selection committee will review submissions and choose four finalists. The finalists will pitch their ideas to a live audience on Jan. 29. Each presentation will last four minutes, followed by a short Q&A session. Attendees contribute a $5 donation at the door, which adds to the winner’s prize pool. After hearing all pitches, the audience votes for their favorite project. The project with the most votes wins the prize money, typically totaling around $4,500, funded through sponsorships and donations.

For more information or to apply, visit wheelingheritage.org/show-of-hands.


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