
Infant death under investigation

BRILLIANT — The death of a 2-month-old infant from a Brilliant home is under investigation, while his parents have been charged with child endangerment.

Wells Township Police Chief Sean Norman said the charge has been filed against Joseph and Star Reese because their home at 108 Stowbridge St. was found unsafe for the three children living there, with trash strewn about the floor.

Norman said an autopsy by the Cuyahoga County Coroner’s Office is pending for the infant, who was transported from the home on Saturday to Trinity Medical Center West, where he was pronounced dead.

He said police were dispatched to the home after Joseph Reese called 911, reporting the child, almost 3 months old, was unresponsive.

Norman said the child had been left alone in a bouncer downstairs while his parents slept upstairs.

He said two other young children were removed from the home through an investigation by his department and the county’s child protective services unit.

Norman said he regretted that a welfare check at the home hadn’t been requested earlier.


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