
Ohio Valley union workers come together to support Sherrod Brown

MARTINS FERRY — Workers for Sherrod hosted a press conference at the United Steelworkers of America’s office in Martins Ferry on Thursday, urging voters to return Sherrod Brown to the U.S. Senate. Brown, D-Ohio, is seeking to reclaim his position in the Nov. 5 election.

Brown has held the office since 2007 when he beat incumbent (now Gov.) Mike Dewine.

Brown is facing what many believe is his stiffest competition yet, running against Republican businessman Bernie Moreno.

Kevin Brown, business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 246, kicked off the Thursday event.

“The choice for Senate in Ohio couldn’t be more clear,” Kevin Brown said. “Sherrod Brown is a guy who stood by workers like us every step of the way. I’ve seen him do the work firsthand. For Sherrod, the dignity of the work isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s how he lives and works every single day.”

Kevin Brown added that he personally has seen Sherrod Brown fight to preserve over 100,000 Ohioans’ pensions, including those of folks in the Ohio Valley area.

“We’re seeing real progress. We’re seeing waterlines, sewer systems and bridges like the Market Street Bridge being rebuilt by Ohio workers with American-made products,” Kevin Brown said. “Let’s not forget: Because of Sherrod, families in Ohio can relax. They can relax knowing their pensions are safe, and that’s real leadership. He’s pushing for restoring the Overtime Pay Act to make sure we get paid what we’ve earned, unlike his opponent who got sued for refusing to pay his workers overtime.”

In April, the Department of Labor announced that beginning July 1, the salary threshold required to exempt a salaried employee from federal overtime pay requirements would increase to the equivalent of an annual salary of $43,888 and increase to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. Beginning in 2027, salary thresholds will be updated every three years, ensuring that workers’ wages aren’t eroded by inflation.

Kevin Brown referred to a court case in 2014 when Moreno was sued by former employee Michael Falcone for unpaid overtime wages. Kevin Brown proceeded to condemn Moreno’s business practices, adding that he believes Moreno’s business practices are unethical.

“This election comes down to one thing. Sherrod Brown looks out for Ohio workers, and Bernie Moreno looks out for himself,” Kevin Brown said. “November 5 is the day. We got to show up and talk to your friends, family and coworkers. Make sure everybody has a plan to either vote early or to get out and vote on Election Day. It’s too important to sit out.”

He introduced Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Ohio State Building and Construction Trades Council Mike Knisley. Knisley began by saying that he cannot overstate the importance of reelecting Brown.

“I have known Sherrod and worked around him for over two decades now,” Knisley said.

“I’ve seen firsthand not only how much that he stands up for union workers but all constituents here in Ohio.”

He then added that he believes it doesn’t matter whether you are a Democrat, Republican or independent voter when it comes to this specific race.

“Right now he’s working across the aisle to pass the Railway Safety Act, which holds railway corporations like Norfolk Southern accountable for their greed and incompetence that led to the train derailments across Ohio including East Palestine and even in Steubenville,” Knisley said.

The Railway Safety Act would enhance safety procedures for all trains carrying hazardous materials. The bill’s new safety requirements and procedures are for all trains carrying hazardous materials, including trains that are not subject to current regulations for high-hazard flammable trains. The bill requires emergency response plans and stipulates that rail carriers must provide advance notification and information to each state emergency response commission. Under this legislation, the U.S. Department of Transportation would create new requirements to prevent blocked crossings by trains carrying hazardous materials due to railroad delays and address other issues that could prevent or mitigate derailments, including rules for train size and weight.

“Sherrod always shows that Ohio communities will not be forgotten by Washington elites and corporate interests, and he will continue to hold companies like Norfolk Southern accountable and make sure these kinds of disasters never happen again.”

On Feb. 3, 2023, a Northfolk Southern train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, resulting in the release of dangerous chemicals into the air, water and land.

“That’s what makes him so different than his opponent. He’s not interested in partisan politics or fights; he instead focuses on working for everybody in Ohio,” Knisley said of Sherrod Brown.

United Mine Workers of America Local 1304 Financial Secretary Mel Woods closed out the event.

Woods, a third-generation retired coal miner, said he believes Sherrod Brown saved his pension and health care coverage.

“I just heard on the news this morning that our Boeing union brothers and sisters are on strike. The stumbling block is a pension. If they had Sherrod Brown, maybe that would have been a big boost to the talks,” Woods said.


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