Cheers & Jeers
CHEERS to Ohio Sen. Brian Chavez, R-Athens, and state Rep. Don Jones, R-Freeport, for helping to secure $500,000 in state funding to renovate portions of the Sargus Juvenile Detention Center.
JEERS to the ongoing threats to schools, businesses and government institutions in Springfield, Ohio. It is time for the political rhetoric to be set aside.
CHEERS to Crossfit for Change participants who helped American Legion Post 312 remove used flags from veterans’ graves this past week. Their youth and fitness level made it easy for them to lend a hand.
JEERS to word that as many as two-thirds of American adults do not know civics well enough to pass a citizenship test. Knowledge of our institutions and ideals is key to being a good citizen.
CHEERS to Belmont College for launching new programs this fall and for opening a coffee hop that is available to the public. Meeting the demand for training and services is one way to remain relevant for years to come.
CHEERS to local libraries that are offering a wide variety of programming for people of all ages, but especially for children. Promoting literacy and making learning fun will go a long way for those children.
CHEERS to the Rotary Club of St. Clairsville for donating $2,000 to the Imagination Library of Belmont County.