

Innovation across Ohio

Ohio development officials keep coming up with ideas purportedly designed to support the kinds of innovation (and employers) that will keep our economy growing and diversifying. Last week, Gov. Mike DeWine announced another such project, with the launch of the Northwest Ohio Glass Innovation ...

Testing drivers’ sobriety

House Bill 230 is now on its way to the Ohio Senate, and lawmakers should give careful consideration to the measure, which would, among other things, authorize law enforcement to collect saliva from those suspected of driving under the influence of drugs. The saliva would be used in a rapid ...

Incomes not keeping pace

Numbers tell a story, and a recent batch of Buckeye State numbers should be raising some eyebrows. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services says both initial and continued unemployment claims increased in the last week of June. In fact, initial claims increased by 725 from the previous ...

Antisemitism still among us

Over and over, across the country, we are confronted with news that lets us know antisemitism and other hate crimes are not a thing of our past. They are horrifyingly present. But not here, we say to one another. No, that is something happening in other parts of the country. Nothing could ...

Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the United States of America for celebrating yet another birthday on Thursday. Celebrations will continue throughout the weekend at communities throughout our region. JEERS to news that U.S. 40 is closed to westbound traffic and reduced to a single lane of eastbound at the Blaine ...

Celebrating our independence

Ever wonder how Americans got the idea that our Independence Day should be celebrated with fireworks? Credit John Adams, who wrote: “The second day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding ...