

Dear Editor,

It’s time to go to our sacred grounds and place the American Flag on the resting places of our veterans. I look forward to the privilege and honor each year.

I was invited several years ago to help out and that’s the magic word these days, “Help Out!”

In these modern days of humanity it seems a struggle at times to get our neighbors or town folks to pitch in and do the right thing. I was sickened a few years back by the neglect of our cemeteries in many places. Knee high weeds met me down on the Captina area and to ignore our people, let alone veterans, spells a downward spiral of character.

The American way is founded on many things and respect is one of the rocks that has built our entire culture.

A good friends and I are going today to place the flags out of honor to our men and women who have served us in their military service. I pray we are not met with knee high weeds again and if we are and I will continue to pray for those in charge of these responsibilities, for this is what it is, its our responsibility and our children’s future to continue to honor, cherish and “RESPECT” those who have sacrificed their lives so we may live free and enjoy life to the fullest.

Love my Country,

Rich Lucas,



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