
Sleeping Giant

Dear Editor,

As our nation continues to slip into a totalitarian society we must remember it was not socialism that made this country great but it was a Constitution that was based upon Judeo-Christian law and men living the values of the Bible.

The men who wrote the Bible were spiritually inspired by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

If the people of this nation really want to “Make America Great Again,” it must first “Make Jesus Great Again.”

When western civilization started rejecting God and the Bible, it started its downward spiral. Early America understood that a nation that knows Jesus would be morally good and would continue to prosper. A nation that forgets that is neither moral, good, nor prosperous.

We are seeing the results of our own spiritual suicide.

The church in America is a sleeping giant. Very few evangelicals share their faith. Many people just sit in the pews as an obligation. They are tares among the wheat, foolish virgins among the wise, goats among the sheep. These people are part of the American church, but they are not part of the true church.

If they were awakened to their true state and the importance of sharing the gospel, they would have a passion to evangelize. Satan will never bother the people or these churches. They can sing songs of worship, preach sermons and say prayers until doomsday. Satan will never concern himself with them. But if the church awakens the sinner, Satan will gnash his teeth in anger. This is our calling … to wake up the country and the world to the soul winning Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Randy Marple



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