
The Republicans’ accomplishments

Dear Editor,

Republicans, in their first few weeks of congressional majority, have achieved some remarkable things. They have elected a speaker, after only four days and fifteen ballots; he has, in return, appointed various members of the “freedom caucus” to important committee posts.

They, along with others of the new majority, are busily launching “investigations” into every aspect of the Biden administration, evidently as revenge for the well deserved scrutiny of the Trump era. Despite this sudden regard for propriety, they have happily seated George Santos, whose lies and fraud exceed those of Trump himself.

Another newly discovered goal of this Congress is the national budget; deficit spending, caused by tax cuts for the rich, is now a major concern, and the Republican solution is cutting Social Security, Medicare, and anything else benefiting the average person.

Classified documents have also suddenly become a major issue; a few items evidently mistakenly packed when then Vice President Biden left office (six years ago) are being equated with the hundreds Trump denied having, refused to turn over, and claimed to de-classify by “thinking about it”.

Congratulations are obviously in order; in the space of a few weeks, and with a majority of five votes, Republicans have turned control of the House of Representatives over to the Boeberts, Greens, Gosars, Jordans, Santos, and fifteen or so like minded people … the cuckoo caucus!

Tom Morgan



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