
Dr. Matthew Harper

Dear Editor,

I’m sure most of us are well aware of the attack on innocent civilians by Hamas on October 7th, in which over 1400 Israelis were killed.

This brutal attack underscores the need for Americans to better understand the Middle East and its challenges. That is one reason why I want to share an educational opportunity being offered locally.

This Saturday, November 11th from 10 a.m. to noon at the Harbor of Hope Assembly of God Church in St. Clairsville, Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper, a White House and State Department Correspondent (for a quarterly online publication), speaks and will provide us all with a unique, insider’s perspective on Israel and the Middle East. He will not only update us on that region, but he will also answer our questions from an American, international and biblical perspective.

Dr. Harper, as a reporter for InterMountain Christian News, will illustrate to us his day-to-day inner workings of dealing with White House and State Department officials.

When I want something explained to me or fixed, I find a professional, so when it comes to Israel, the Middle East and the Washington Press Corp, I consider Dr. Harper the utmost authority. It will be refreshing this Saturday to hear some truth.

Bob Blinco



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