
Appropriating Christmas

Dear Editor,

With the upcoming Christmas celebration, I want to talk about one of the favorite terms used by the left in this country … appropriation.

Appropriation is defined as follows, “the act of taking something for your own use, usually without permission.” Church, I believe it is time that we take a cue from the social marxist in this country and tell the world to stop ‘appropriating ‘ our Christmas.

Now don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying that little ones should not have a fantasy about a little fat elf who brings presents, or homes should not be decorated with all sorts of pretty things. That’s not my point. What I am saying is that we who love and adore the birth of The Savior who created us for His enjoyment need to tell the secular world to get their hands off our holiday. Why?

Reason number 1:The world has adulterated and debased the celebration and birth of God into a blasphemous winter solstice festival. Stop using the birth of our Savior for your amusement, political agenda, and financial gain.

2: Retail panders to us for the sake of having a profitable year. We shouldn’t allow corporations to turn our Savior into merchandising schemes. I’ve seen several ads that use the birth of Jesus to sell products.

3: To force someone to acknowledge our holiday through ads, or force cashiers who don’t know Jesus to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays is not Christian, but Pharisaical. When we say Merry Christian we are uttering a blessing. Only a Pharisee would make an unbeliever utter something they do not know or believe in. That should be our blessing as a Church united by Jesus to the world.

I know all this may seem very humbug but church our world has changed drastically in the last sixty some years. The honest reason for celebration of this time of year is the incarnation of God. Every religion on this earth interprets a moral code for right living except one. Christianity, the way, the truth, and the life; takes the dead and makes them alive.

He who is infinite became finite, He who was sinless was born, became sin as a sacrificial lamb for our sins, and was resurrected unto eternal life that we through our repentance of sin to Him may one day be with Him. He did that because he loves us, not because we deserved this present as good little boys and girls but because we are lost in our sins and need our true redeemer, Jesus Christ.

So when this Christmas comes around and we exchange our presents and eat our feast, take a moment to remember that Jesus is why we celebrate. A reason that should be celebrated every moment of our life. Remember what the Bible says “we were created by Him, through Him, and FOR Him.” (Colossians 1:16-17) Did you see that last part? We are created “for Him.” I don’t think any human present can top that.

Merry Christmas to all who seek Him during this season and to the rest … “happy holidays.”

Randy Marple



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