
Difference between common sense and politics

Dear Editor,


Why should we possess firearms? Innocent people get killed and there’s plenty of food in the grocery stores.


Any Tom, Dick or Harry is allowed in the United States. Ever wonder why the college campuses are disruptive? Deport them instead of arresting them. Jail cells are already full.

Elderly and Veterans?

Dogs and cats get the best food, shelter and in-home healthcare than old people do.


Wow! Other countries should fight their own battles, not us.

America has enough “wars” among American people.


Would the federal government shut down operations if the American taxpayers paid more taxes? Or should politicians take pay cuts to make ends meet? Wouldn’t we have to?


Contraceptives and pregnancy tests are purchased over the counter. Besides kids are best taken care of with a child support check and food stamps anyway. So why not abortion?


In my opinion, taxable income supports Aliens, Government Debt, Politicians paychecks, Child Support and Housing on the Moon.


Common sense or politics?

Chrystal L. Sempkowski



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