
Sign Stealing

Dear Editor,

I would like to comment on a disturbing trend that is taking place in our area during this election season. That would be the stealing of political signs.

As Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the county Democratic Party, I am enraged at what is happening to our campaign signs. I have planted signs for our candidates alongside our Republican candidates’ signs and somehow, ours mystically vanish while the others stay intact.

I have sat in our headquarters and individuals have come in wanting to get candidate signs to place on their property but fear they will be stolen or their property damaged.

That is not right!

Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech and the Constitutional right to express your views?

I do not agree with several views from the other side, but I am not going to steal their signs. It takes a certain type of low life character to steal another’s property.

We pay for these signs and to have them taken is theft. Whomever is doing this is making my friends in the other party look bad and they are breaking the law.

We have notified the authorities, and I have filed complaints with municipalities about this.

We have cameras placed around the area and are reviewing film.

We will prosecute anyone stealing our signs.

Enough Is Enough!

Frank Papini

Chairperson of the

Executive Committee

Belmont County

Democratic Party


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