
Why we need to vote Moreno and Trump

Dear Editor,

Why we need Bernie Moreno in the U.S. Senate and President Trump in the White House:

Putting everything on the line, Moreno steps up to defend freedom and our U.S. Constitution. He’s in this for Ohio. He’s in this for his posterity and ours. And so is President Trump.

Slick political “scientists” Sherrod Brown, Biden and Harris, have almost ruined the land of the free and the home of the brave.

We all see it; we all know it and Trump, Moreno, Elon and RFK Jr know it too.

With borders cast wide open by Harris, drugs poured in, and in one year alone from June 2022 to June 2023 the overdose death rate (per CDC) soared to 111,877! We have effectively been under a foreign initiated chemical weapons attack killing massive amounts of people.

But what did Sherrod, Kamala and Joe do during the tornado of mayhem, violence, and death? They continued to bloviate, shuffle paper and hide behind aviator glasses; all three falling down on the job of protecting our families, our friends and our futures. Why is this not treason?

In delusional fogs, Brown, Biden and Harris didn’t notice the invasion of 11-20 MILLION illegal aliens crossing our border!

The question to ask is: Could this surge become a STANDING ARMY? Have the three even thought about it? NO! They only see new voters who will vote for them because knowledgeable Americans will not vote for leftist socialists like them.

But WE WILL VOTE for Trump, Vance and Moreno.

The landslide is coming and not a moment too soon!

Bill Hanchosky

Geneva, Ohio


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