
The reality of today’s energy industry

Dear Editor,

Ohio’s natural gas and oil sector has emerged as a cornerstone of economic development. A Cleveland State University study just found that the total natural gas and oil related investments in Ohio surpassed $108 billion between 2011 and 2023, including $3.1 billion in just the second half of 2023.

These investments create jobs, fund infrastructure, and support energy reliability across the state. Investments that even those writing these letters to the editor enjoy.

Thanks to advancements in technology and responsible practices, modern exploration is far removed from the ‘assault’ being described. In fact, we are seeing methane emissions drop.

According to data from the Environmental Protection Agency, methane emissions in our region have fallen 52% from 2019 to 2023.

Ohioans need a clean environment and a robust economy. It does not need to be one or the other.

Rejecting energy development entirely will not serve future generations well. Instead, the path forward lies in fostering innovation and leveraging Ohio’s resources so we can responsibly secure a thriving future.

Bruce Tague

Ohio Natural Energy Institute

Pataskala, Ohio


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