
Letters to the Editor

Remind friends of Biden’s record

Dear Editor, Do you think your liberal and life long democrat friends will be able to drop their pretentiousness this November? Or, do you think they will cling to the compliant, feckless, politically correct liberal identities they’ve grown to accept, because it’s easier to belong to ...

The candidacy of RFK Jr.

Dear Editor, I am writing today to respond to the numerous false claims constantly being made about state land leasing and what it will mean for our state. Some have called for people to ‘wake up’, well I also believe it’s time to wake up and recognize the reality of Ohio’s natural gas ...


Dear Editor, The New York Bar Association should be “barred” from the American Bar Association. Although they just tipped the scale for a most likely MAGA victory. The “mainstream media” is dancing in the streets with the devil. The next swing for Liberals Courts is to outlaw ...

The End

Dear Editor, Victor Davis Hanson, Professor Emeritus of the Classics at California State University & Senior Fellow in military history and classics at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, recently published The End of Everything—How Wars Descend into Annihilation using the cities of Thebes, ...

Difference between common sense and politics

Dear Editor, Guns? Why should we possess firearms? Innocent people get killed and there’s plenty of food in the grocery stores. Aliens? Any Tom, Dick or Harry is allowed in the United States. Ever wonder why the college campuses are disruptive? Deport them instead of arresting them. ...

Slaughter in Gaza

Dear Editor, I am absolutely devastated by the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. (I believe the killing of another human being is flat out wrong.) The Israelis were the victims of the worst slaughter in history when 6 million were slaughtered by Hitler and Himmler in the Holocaust. And the ...