Career centers offer options to high school students

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Today, many parents of high school-age students remember that going to the vocational school meant you weren’t going to college.
That is not true today, as career-technical education students must meet the same academic requirements as all high school students, as well as complete additional coursework in their chosen field of study. In fact, most students go on to college — up to 70 percent, according to Ohio Department of Education statistics.
In Ohio, every high school student has the opportunity to enroll in a career-technical education course of study. This means that in addition to academic requirements, students take specific classes in their chosen field. Engineering, health care, computer graphics, auto technology and culinary arts are just a few of the 16 career fields in which Ohio high school students can enroll.
This specialized education is delivered through career centers, or sometimes may be available in the local high school.
The Belmont and Harrison Career Centers offer 18 career-technical programs and are available to high school students throughout Belmont and Harrison counties. The career centers also offer programs at Barnesville, St. Clairsville and Shadyside high schools. Check out the career centers’ website,, or feel free to call the career centers at 740-695-9130 with any questions or concerns you may have about career-technical education.