Wheeling Hospital: A Journey to Health

Staff Writer
WHEELING — Wheeling Hospital seeks to direct the public toward a path focused on wellness, and the hospital offers a variety of programs to assist those at any health level.
The journey to health begins at the Howard Long Wellness Center located near the hospital in Wheeling Medical Park.
The first Monday of each month the Howard Long Wellness Center offers cholesterol screenings to both members and non-members between the hours of 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 5-7 p.m.
And while visitors are at the Wellness Center on Monday afternoons, they also make partake in a blood pressure screening from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The screenings are free and available to the public.
Those with diabetes are invited to join the Diabetes Keys to Control Program, which offers a multi discipline team approach designed to teach diabetics how to manage their disease. The program offers individual and group sessions with a certified diabetes educator, as well as a hands-on exercise program designed and supervised by an exercise physiologist. Participants meet once per week for an education session on diabetes self-management. Those interested in the program should call 304-242-9355 for more information.
Those joining the Wellness Center can learn how to incorporate free weights into their strength training workouts, and take advantage of a one-on-one nutrition counseling program there. A registered dietician helps participants meet their nutritional goals, and establish proper eating habits.
The one-hour nutrition education sessions are led by a registered dietician.
Members seeking to shake extra pounds can take part in a weight loss program provided at the Wellness Center. This weight loss program for adults meets weekly for nine weeks, and each participant’s resting metabolic rate is measured to most accurately determine caloric need.
There are also pre- and post-program body composition measurements taken of the individual’s body fat, and hip and waist circumferences. Individualized exercise recommendations then are provided by an exercise physiologist.
Members of the Howard Long Wellness Center are strongly encouraged to participate in a general fitness assessment prior to any use of center services. The extent of the assessment is dependent on the member’s health status. This assessment is helpful to provide members with an appropriate, effective, high-quality exercise recommendation. The GFA takes only 30 minutes and consists of five tests. Additional assessments can be given to provide comparisons to determine levels of improvement.
The GFA includes assessments of aerobic fitness, body composition, flexibility, strength and muscular endurance.
The center also offers holistic health services, such as massage therapy, yoga and Tai Chi.
There are healthy eating programs specifically for cancer patients at the Wellness Center, as well as cardiac rehab classes for those diagnosed with heart conditions.
And members now can partake in CrossFit training there throughout the day Monday through Saturday.