
River track and field teams solid in multiple areas


Times Leader Sports Editor

HANNIBAL — Mike Flannery begins another season at the helm of the River track teams with solid numbers.

Those two factors have led to cautious optimism around the seemingly always competitive program.


The Pilots return a solid core of athletes with a roster of 22 competitors set to take part.

Leading the way are seniors Michael Johnson (sprints, long jump), Neiko Mancini (sprints) and Daniel Swegard (sprints).

The junior class includes: Trent Bittinger (sprints, high jump), Austin Creamer (sprints), Avery Creamer (sprints), Brody Longwell (sprints) and Clee Mitchell (sprints).

Sophomores vying for their first appearance in a varsity track meet are Marshal Bier (throws), Chattum Lively (discus, distance), Gavin Paisley (distance) and Mason Randall (throws).

The freshmen contingent includes: Talon Ady (hurdles, sprints), Austin Bangham (distance), Kalob Headley (sprints), Gideon Hulbert (sprints, discus), Kabel Isaly (sprints, hurdles, long jump), Zach Lively (distance), Haddon Lockhear (distance), Maddox Mozena (sprints, hurdles), Carson Romick (distance) and Zeke Zola (throws).


The Pilot girls have a roster of 11 competitors and only four are returning letter winners from 2019.

The returnees are seniors Kimberly Conners (hurdles, sprints) and Lacey Speece (sprints) along with juniors Camryn Caldwell (distance) and Kylie Miller (sprints).

Freshman newcomer Mara Beard should make an impact in the distance races after putting forth an impressive cross country season.

The balance of the roster includes: junior Madison King (sprints), sophomores Megan Dunn (sprints), Tori Headley (sprints), Chloe Honeycutt (sprints), Bella Thomas (distance) and freshman Carson McVey (throws).


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