
Couple ties the knot

Luke and Camie Clifford announce that they were recently joined in marriage.

Luke, who earned a master’s in educational leadership, has worked in Columbus as a teacher for 32 years and aspires to be a romance writer.

He has five children of his own: Isaac (5) Luke Malachi (11) Ella (15) Kyenna (16) and Jadyn (17).

Camie works in health care and enjoys hiking and spending time in nature and being around her family and friends and dogs. She is interested in nutrition, holistic living and visiting new places.

The couple honored both sides of their family when they were married on July 22, 2023 — 67 years to the day after the groom’s parents wed on July 22, 1956. The couple posed to emulate the vintage 1916 picture of the bride’s great-grandparents.

They wish to express appreciation to all friends and family for their support with special thanks to Chuck and Stacey McGarvey of Canada, Bob Daymont and Dr. Rajiv Patel for their love and support.


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