
50th wedding anniversary


On, July 20, 2024, Bob and Theresa Reese of St. Clairsville celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

They were united in marriage at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Barton by the late Rev. John Kossey. Parents of the couple were the late Peter and Katherine Hanas Silon of Lansing and the late Bill and Joann DiPaolo Reese of Bellaire.

Bob is retired after 43 years in elementary and middle school education, starting his career at Ohio County’s Clay School. He relocated to and retired from the Marshall County school system as a guidance counselor.

Theresa retired as a medical technologist from Wheeling Hospital after 42-plus years.

They were blessed with three children, Danielle (Brent) Ralston of Hilliard, Ohio; Michael (Danielle) of Wexford, Pennsylvania; and Cameron Reese of Wheeling. They are “Pap” and “Baba” to four loving grandchildren: Reese and Peyton Ralston and Landon and Brooklyn Reese.

The couple is celebrating with family at the Grand Concourse in Pittsburgh and will continue their celebration with a trip to Utah’s National Parks.


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