
Davis, Yudasz Engagement



Stefani Elizabeth Davis of Leesburg, Ind., and Matthew Jobe Yudasz of Warsaw, Ind., formerly of St. Clairsville, announce their engagement.

The bride-elect is the daughter of Todd and Paulette Davis, Leesburg, Ind.

She graduated from Warsaw Community High School in 2009, from Ohio State University in 2013 with a bachelor of Science in Nursing and from Vanderbilt University in 2016 with a master of Science in Nursing and a doctor of Nursing Practice. She is a nurse practitioner with Parkview Physicians Group, Breast Surgery in Fort Wayne, Ind.

The future groom is the son of Michael and Leann Yudasz of St. Clairsville.

He graduated from St. Clairsville High School in 2011 and Ohio State University in 2016 with a bachelor of Science in Accounting/Finance. He is an associate financial analyst with Zimmer Biomet in Warsaw, Ind.

The couple is planning an Oct. 21 wedding.


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