

Catherine Gaglione of Follansbee and Nickolas Stankovich of Martins Ferry announce their engagement.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Joe Gaglione of Los Angeles, California, and Lorraine Ciccolella Gaglione of Follansbee. She is a 2006 graduate of Brooke High School, 2009 graduate of Trinity School of Nursing and a 2014 graduate of Franciscan University with a master’s degree in Nursing-FNP. She is employed as a nurse practitioner with Steel Valley Emergency Physicians at Trinity Medical Center Emergency Department.

Her fiance is the son of Nick and Sheryl Stankovich of Colerain. He is a 2004 graduate of Martins Ferry High School, 2008 graduate of Washington & Jefferson College and a 2011 graduate of Salem International University with a master’s degree in Educational Leadership. He is employed as the principal of Anna Marie Ayers Elementary School in Martins Ferry.

The wedding will be held on May 29 at 4:30 p.m. at Williams Golf and Country Club in Weirton.


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