

Jenafer Saseen and Jeffrey Naswadi were united in marriage on June 24 at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Huntington, W.Va.

The bride is the daughter of George and Susan Saseen of Bethlehem. The groom is the son of George and Jean Naswadi of Copley, Ohio.

Renae Haas served as matron of honor. Jacob McMinn served as best man. Bridesmaids were Jamie Doty, Mackenzie Filtz, Samantha Oberdick, Nicole Shepherd and Mailey Wilks; friends of the bride. Flower girls were Ruthie Haas and Adeline Wilks.

Groomsmen were Donald Hilverding, Michael Misiti and Ben Prater; friends of the groom and Luke Saseen and Matthew Saseen; brothers of the bride. Ring bearer was Julian Haas.

A reception was held at Guyan Country Club in Huntington.

Saseen is a 2006 graduate of Bishop Donahue High School and a 2010 graduate of Wheeling Jesuit University where she double-majored in Elementary Dducation and Secondary Education-History. In 2013, she received a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Wheeling Jesuit University. She is the principal at Our Lady of Fatima School in Huntington, W.Va.

Naswadi is a 2005 graduate of Copley High School and a 2010 graduate in Construction Systems Management and Economics from Ohio State University. He is finishing a master of Business Administration-Finance degree at Marshall University and is employed by the Lincoln Electric Co., representing the company in West Virginia.

Following a wedding trip to Italy and Greece, the couple resides in Barboursville, W.Va.


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