
Ohio University College of Business ranks in top 75

ATHENS, Ohio — Ohio University College of Business has been ranked third in the state of Ohio and 74th in the United States in the Best Undergraduate Business Schools for 2021 by Poets&Quants for Undergraduate rankings.

Poets&Quants for Undergrads is a leading online publication for undergraduate business education news. This is the fifth annual undergraduate ranking.

The 2021 ranking methodology included three main focuses on admissions standards, academic experience and career outcomes.

OHIO placed 32nd nationally in the academic experience ranking.

“This is a great honor for the College of Business to be ranked nationally yet again, as well as placing third in the state of Ohio overall,” OHIO President M. Duane Nellis said. “The College of Business will continue to teach and inspire the future leaders who will help to improve and grow the world of business.”

Other undergraduate programs in Ohio ranked include Miami University, Bowling Green State University University of Akron and Ohio State University.

OHIO’s nationally ranked College of Business offers 11 undergraduate majors at the Athens campus.

The college also offers five minors and several certificates for students to select from to help build their portfolio of knowledge, skills and experiences.

“Our undergraduate programs are designed to provide a variety of high impact, active and experiential learning opportunities for all students.

The College of Business curriculum sets up students for personal and professional success after graduation,” said Katie Hartman, College of Business Director of Undergraduate Programs and Assessment and Fox Associate Professor of Marketing. “The College of Business faculty and staff strive to provide exceptional academic experiences, enriching co-curriculum opportunities and an inclusive, welcoming culture for all our students.”

The College of Business’s Online MBA graduate program was also recently ranked first overall in the state of Ohio by Poets&Quants.


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