
Free community picnic set next weekend

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Lloydsville United Methodist Church is hoping to bring the community together next weekend for a free picnic.

The community picnic will feature games, entertainment, music, food and refreshments. Laiety Minister John Satterfield said the event is completely free to all who attend.

“Bring the children and your friends and enjoy,” he said. “It’s for everybody.”

The picnic is just one way the church is hoping to give back to residents in the community.

“It will benefit anyone who wants to come. We just want to give something back to the community,” he said.

Although this is the church’s first time holding the picnic, Satterfield said they plan to make it an annual event. He said there will be hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, cake, cookies and root beer floats. They will also have games and activities for the children including darts and balloons, a duck pond and an egg and spoon race. DJ Maddox Waley will provide musical entertainment during the event.

Church members have been working on a variety of other events such as hosting dinners and small fundraisers in order to help raise money for a new roof for the church. Donations for the church will be accepted during the event but are not necessary.

Satterfield said the congregation also hosts a spiritual gathering hymn sing at 6 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month.

The picnic is set for noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 28 in the parking lot of the church, 44117 Main St., St. Clairsville. The church is located along U.S. 40, a mile east of the former Jamboree In The Hills site. More information can be found on the church’s social media page.


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