
Light turnout expected for Tuesday vote

STEUBENVILLE –Jefferson County officials are expecting a light turnout for today’s 6th Congressional District special election.

Voters will decide who will fill the remainder of the term that had been held by Bill Johnson, the former 6th District congressman who resigned in January after more than a decade in Washington to become president at Youngstown State University. That term expires at the end of the year, and looking to fill the opening in the House of Representatives are Republican Michael Rulli, a Salem resident, and Democrat Michael Kripchak of Youngstown.

Rulli is director of operations for family-owned Rulli Brothers Markets. Kripchak is an Air Force Academy graduate who spent three years as an acquisitions officer and research assistant with the Air Force.

The 6th Congressional District includes all of Mahoning, Columbiana, Carroll, Jefferson, Belmont, Harrison, Monroe, Noble and Washington counties and portions of Stark and Tuscarawas counties.

“We are anticipating an 8 percent turnout, which will be very low,” Jefferson County Board of Elections Director Bob Gale said. That equates to about 3,750 votes.

Polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Gale said all polling locations in Jefferson County will be open.

“We have no changes of polling places for this election,” he added. “Those that vote at the Steubenville Country Club will need to find alternate ways to get to the building since part of Lovers Lane is still closed for construction.”

Voters must present a valid photo ID — a driver’s license, passport or veterans card — in order to cast their vote.

With the presidential election coming up in November, Gale reminds voters to keep in mind anyone who has moved or changed their name since they last voted “needs to get their registration updated to make it smoother for them to vote in November.”

Regardless of who wins Tuesday’s special election, Rulli and Kripchak will be on the Nov. 5 ballot seeking a full two-year term, which will begin in January.


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