
Trash talk

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA Kimble Company is experiencing delays due to the inclement weather Belmont County has experienced in recent days.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — As temperatures fall and inches of snow pile up, Kimble Companies trash collection service fell behind on its pickups but has been striving to catch up.

Following a week of snow accumulation, Kimble received backlash from residents in parts of Belmont County after the conditions hindered the removal of customers’ garbage. In response to trash piling up in driveways, residents took to social media to voice their frustration with Kimble.

Jeremie Watson posted, “Still waiting in flushing, 2 weeks now without a pickup. They said our day would be moved to Tuesday starting today and still not a truck in sight.”

Mario Ramirez replied with his opinion: “Kimble has bit off more than they can chew and spread their people too thin for the sake of making more money. They used to call and let you know they would be late but stopped even doing that. I got tired of my can sitting for a week overflowing. Switched services a few months ago and couldn’t be happier with the local veteran-owned company that actually answers the phone when you call.”

Although many frustrated residents voiced their opinions, not all residents who commented were angry.

“Believe me, they’re working hard and doing their best,” resident Kimberly Crabtree replied.

“I truly feel bad for the trash collectors. They have to be overwhelmed because garbage cans are overflowing,” resident Eliza Norman said.

Kimble has not been picking up garbage on time. In some cases, customers said it had been a month since the last pickup.

In response to the complaints, Kimble Senior Communications Manager Joshua Ondo said, “We understand the frustration that delays can cause and appreciate the patience of our customers as we work through these weather-related disruptions. We are committed to servicing all customers as quickly as possible. We ask that residents leave their carts out, and our drivers will be by to collect them as soon as conditions allow.”

Ondo added that Kimble’s top priority is the safety of its drivers and customers.

“At Kimble, the safety of our drivers, customers, and their property is our top priority. We have an obligation to our employees, customers, and the communities where they live to provide service in a timely and safe manner. The recent snowstorms and continued snowfall have created significant challenges in safely navigating roadways across some of our rural service areas in Belmont County,” he said.

The delays have split residents’ discourse. In addition to numerous negative comments and concerns, several residents have posted in support of Kimble.

Donna Hennebert Wiles wrote that she believes the safety of the workers and residents is the most important thing when speaking about the trash pickup delays.

“We can count on them to empty our dumpster every Wednesday up here,” resident Sharmayne Bendo-Sudduth said.

Ondo said Kimble is actively monitoring road conditions and deploying its teams in a manner that ensures safety for everyone involved.

“We thank our customers for their understanding and cooperation during this time and look forward to improved weather conditions in the days ahead,” he said.

“If customers need assistance, they should contact Kimble customer service by calling 1-800-201-0005, extension 9404, or by e-mail at customerservice@kimblecompanies.com.”


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