
ODOT to remove Woodsfield road islands due to safety concerns

WOODSFIELD — Ohio Department of Transportation officials plan to remove the Main Street islands in Woodsfield.

The project is estimated to cost about $900,000 to remove the islands along the roadway. Ashley Rittenhouse, public information officer for ODOT District 10, said the decision to remove the islands came after numerous simulations led transportation officials to conclude it was the best course of action to improve the flow of traffic in the village.

“Our design consultant ran multiple truck turning template simulations and found that even without the islands, it is a tight turn,” she said.

Rittenhouse said it is very difficult for larger vehicles to make turns in the downtown area with the islands present.

“They needed to adjust the simulations to slow the truck speed to 2 mph and introduce oversteering to get the type of truck that pulls a 53-foot-trailer through the intersection without going over the curb or into opposing traffic, and that was without the islands,” she said.

The islands are situated along the intersection of Ohio 26 and Ohio 78 in Woodsfield. The original plan was to possibly reduce the size of the islands; however, after consultants began performing tests it was decided the removal would be necessary to improve public safety.

“We requested to keep the islands if at all possible, only modifications if completely necessary. However, it was decided by the consultants that it was necessary to remove the islands for safety,” Rittenhouse said.

ODOT officials have met with Woodsfield Village Council members to discuss the impending project.

Rittenhouse said they are working together with village officials in order to design an intersection that will prove most beneficial to the village, residents and motorists.

Since then, several village residents have voiced their opposition to the plan.

They feel that removing the islands will detract from the beauty of the area. Several residents spent time and money within the past year adding plantings to the islands and otherwise working to upgrade them.

Rittenhouse said these changes are necessary to improve traffic safety.

“While ODOT recognizes that some may be disappointed about not having the islands, changes are necessary in order to improve the safety of the intersection,” she said.

The improvements to the roadway will not only aid in traffic flow, but also with pedestrian safety, she said.

“The removal of the islands and the bumpouts will also reduce the distance pedestrians have to walk in the intersection, which will make it safer for them,” Rittenhouse said.

In addition to the removal of the islands, the sidewalk bumpouts on street corners will be increased, she said. The enlargement of the corners will allow the village to install landscaping making the sideways “aesthetically pleasing,” she added.

The project will be funded by the state through the state safety funds for projects aimed at improving safety. The removal is set to become underway during the “next construction season” in 2021. Rittenhouse said construction will most likely take place between spring and fall next year.


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