
Mingo Junction department to cut costs

MINGO JUNCTION — Mayor Judy Ruckman reported that all village departments have been given a memo directing them to cut back on overtime and expenditures except for what is absolutely necessary.

The memo follows council’s July 10 finance meeting, scheduled to address the village’s need to reign in expenses. That need stems from Village Council’s failure to place a 1 percent income tax levy up for renewal and the levy’s subsequent expiration, resulting in the village needing to credit residents for the two-and-a-half years of collection done without a voter-approved levy in place.

Council members discussed the importance of resident voters passing a new levy during the Nov. 5 general election. A failure to pass could spell financial doom for various village services, including trash pickup and street repair.

Separately, Jefferson County Commissioner Eric Timmons presented council with a $13,000 recreation grant check from the county.

Mingo Junction is one of eight municipalities to receive a $13,000 check, with only Toronto and Wintersville receiving more, at $15,000. On June 20, the commissioners approved a total of $278,000 in funding for 26 recreation projects.

After presenting the check, Timmons complimented Mingo Junction’s pool, noting that he visited the facility recently with his daughter.

“I was really impressed with the facilities. … We had a great time and I want to compliment you on that.”

Timmons also mentioned his hope to see some sort of county grant writer made available for village and township use, focusing on common needs like infrastructure.

Also, Village Administrator Darrin Corrigan reported that a few residents have asked him when a speed bump on Eleanor Street will be replaced.

Though the ones installed by a separate company are all right, bumps installed by the village do not meet state standards for design and signage, Corrigan said, adding that he will have the one replaced if council wishes, but they won’t be proper.

In addition, Corrigan said speed bumps may not be the best solution to combat speeding, noting that some drivers do not decrease their speed when crossing the bumps.

In other business:

• Police Chief Willie McKenzie III reported that a new part-time police officer, Blake J. Malone, has started with the department and is undergoing training. Malone will be present at council’s next meeting Aug. 13 to introduce himself. McKenzie noted Malone’s employment will cut back on the department’s overtime.

• Ruckman lauded Judi Keenan, a volunteer for the Mingo Junction Senior Center, who has been progressing In using Health Aging Grant funds to purchase new amenities for the center, including fridges, chairs and laptops. Ruckman invited volunteers to help install new sinks at the center, and Councilwoman Pat Cramblett invited individuals to request meals at the center for a $3 donation per person.

• Councilman Adam Peeler said residents who notice a light pole is not functioning should contact a council member with the pole number, and council will work with AEP to get it turned on.

• Corrigan reported that the sinkhole on Ravine Street has been entirely fixed, though the same line has caused another hold elsewhere. Corrigan also discussed options with council related to installing a new hot water heater and a second diving board at the village pool.

• Fire department employee Joe Crawford notified council that, “with current changes with the fire department,” he has taken over the department key fob system. He said key fobs in possession of village employees or council members outside of the department have been deactivated and can be returned. He added that “since everything that’s been going on” in the department, the amount of people coming back to work has been “drastic,” and their return is a “great privilege to the village.”

• Council entered executive session for fire department personnel matters related to the Mingo Junction Fire Department.


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