
Take advantage of our forum as election nears

This weekend, I am thrilled that I do not have a lot of space for this weekly column.

It’s not that I mind writing this piece or that I have nothing to share with our readers. Instead, I am excited that we have heard from so many of you!

I will always happily cede my usual space to make room for our readers — both near and far — to share their thoughts and opinions on the pages of this publication. That is what our mission is all about — informing you so that you can form your own opinions and have the freedom to express them.

As the 2024 general election on Nov. 5 approaches, passions about candidates and issues are running high. As we see every four years, many people are completely committed to their choices for president and vice president, yet this year many say they remain undecided.

At a more local level, people may be dedicated to supporting or completely opposing issues such as tax levies that will appear on their ballots. We want to provide a forum for all who wish to be heard to make their thoughts known.

If you have an opinion to express about anyone or anything who will be considered by voters on Nov. 5, please write your letters to the editor now. In keeping with our past practices, we will only accept those letters through Oct. 18 and publish the last of them by Oct. 20 — about two weeks prior to Election Day.

Any election-related letters received after Oct, 18 will not be considered for publication, so send us your thoughts now.

It’s easy to do, especially if you email them directly to me at jcompston@timesleaderonline.com or use our Virtual Newsroom to submit them at timesleaderonline.com. We can’t wait to hear from even more of you!


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