
Getting young people involved

There’s a new club in Belmont County, and it’s one that could have a big impact on the future of the region.

Belmont County Recorder Jason Garczyk and Board of Elections Deputy Director Kamron Chervenak spearheaded creation of a new Young Republicans club. So far, it has about 10 members, but it seems an important step in getting younger people more involved with politics — especially at the local level. Garczyk and Chervenak obviously understand the importance of participation in local government. But in addition to their own roles, they were inspired by the high percentage of local officeholders who are Republicans.

“Our goal primarily is to get young people involved, more politically involved,” Chervenak said. “It’s important for young people to be aware of what is going on in our community … “

Garczyk pointed out that the nearest sister Young Republicans club is in Muskingum County. That means there is a large geographic area where it may be difficult for young people who are interested in politics to know where to turn.

As the new club grows, its organizers expect to help members get out into the community. They have plans to staff a GOP booth at the county fair and to meet on a regular basis. They also hope to bring in some statewide and regional officeholders and candidates to help educate the members.

Unfortunately, there is no counterpart organization connected to the Democrat Party. But perhaps, the Young Republicans will inspire change there as well.

Young people are our future, so it is crucial that they understand what government does, what issues are important and how to determine what candidates or issues deserve their votes. We, as a society, need younger candidates, elections officials, pollworkers and others to become involved.

We commend Garczyk and Chervenak for forming the club, and we encourage any young people with an interest in the GOP to get involved.

We also urge local Democrats to look at their party’s options for forming a similar organization and reaching out to the younger set.


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