
Retailers making holiday change

Change can be hard, but it also can be a good thing.

We believe that is the case when it comes to a change recently announced by some local retailers.

As the region celebrated the Labor Day holiday last weekend, we informed our readers that another upcoming holiday would look a bit different than it has in years past. It seems sales and shopping sprees will not be a focus of Thanksgiving for at least some major local businesses.

Boscov’s department stores, with a location at the Ohio Valley Mall in St. Clairsville, decided it will be giving employees the day off so they can celebrate Thanksgiving with their loved ones.

“Closing on Thanksgiving gives our hard-working coworkers the ability to enjoy an uninterrupted day with their families,” Chairman and CEO Jim Boscov said in a news release.

Because other retailers at the mall have expressed similar sentiments, it is likely that the entire Ohio Valley Mall will be closed for Thanksgiving. Joe Bell, spokesman for mall parent the Cafaro Co., said that was the situation last year and that the trend is likely to continue. He said customer demand for shopping on the holiday is declining, but stores with exterior entrances may open for business if they choose.

Bell said although the demand for shopping opportunities remains high, people simply aren’t as interested in shopping on Thanksgiving as they once were. It seems employees and customers alike would prefer to spend that time with family and friends.

“A number of things have changed due to the pandemic,” Boscov added. “I’m delighted that this change has become the new norm, and hope it will become permanent in the retail industry.”

We couldn’t agree more.


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