
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to news that the Lafferty Moose Lodge has received the go-ahead to construct a new building. It will be an important addition to the community.

JEERS to the uncertainty surrounding the situation at Austin Master Services frack waste recycling center in Martins Ferry. City leaders and residents deserve clear answers about how the excess waste there is being handled.

CHEERS to WVU Medicine Barnesville Hospital for histing a successful fundraiser with a Vegas theme to help replace beds at the facility with new, more modern equipment that will be better for staff and patients.

JEERS to the fact that St. Clairsville leaders are having trouble resolving differences of opinion about providing wage increases to staff members. It led to a heated meeting on Monday.

CHEERS to the beautiful weather that we experienced on several days over the past week. It seems that spring finally has really arrived. Now we just have to hope that April showers will not bring more flooding.

CHEERS to news that there are new protections in place to guard coal miners against black lung. The Labor Department has issued a new federal rule limiting crystaline silica exposure.

CHEERS to word that eclipse watchers came early and stayed late in Ohio, helping to avoid the traffic jams that some other states experienced on April 8.


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