
Cut Trump’s travel to curb spending

Dear Editor,

In a statement about his views on the federal budget issued on Feb. 22, Donald Trump said that government spending will reflect the “priorities” of the American people, that there will be “no more wasted money” and that “we are going to be spending the money in a very, very careful manner.”

In the first month of his administration, Mr. Trump spent more federal money ($10 million) on his three trips to Florida than was spent for an entire year of travel by President Obama.

Mr. Trump — How do your three trips to Florida at a cost of $10 million in one month reflect the “priorities” of the American people? How does the cost of those trips reconcile with your pledge of “no more wasted money”? And please tell us how those government-paid trips are “spending the money in a very, very careful manner”?

Gary Obloy

St. Clairsville


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