
Visiting Angels Again Recognized for Providing Outstanding Home Care

Visiting Angels of Wheelinghas received the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice Award from Home Care Pulse for the sixth consecutive year.

The Provider of Choice Award is granted to the top-ranking home care providers in America based on client satisfaction scores gathered by Home Care Pulse, the leading satisfaction management firm in the non-medical home care industry.

Visiting Angels of Wheeling is ranked among a select few home care providers across the country and the only one in West Virginia selected for the honor.

The award is based on client feedback demonstrating Visiting Angels’ dedication to providing the highest quality care for its clients including joyful companionship, assistance with bathing and dressing, medication reminders, light housekeeping, preparation of healthy meals, fall prevention and help with shopping and errands.

Home Care Pulse gathers feedback by conducting live phone interviews with a percentage of Visiting Angels’ clients each month. Because Home Care Pulse is an independent satisfaction management firm, it is able to collect honest and unbiased feedback. Award-winning providers have received the highest satisfaction scores from their clients in areas such as professionalism, services provided, compassion of caregivers, and overall quality of care.

Visiting Angels employs resources to deliver the best possible care for clients in the comfort of their home. The agency’s mission is to restore hope and independence through the assistance of healing the emotional, spiritual and physical well-being of the individual.


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