
Find Your Comfort Zone at WVNCC

Getting comfortable about college is a notion that rings true at West Virginia Northern Community College.

Just ask Lisa Soly, counselor and transfer coordinator at Northern. Soly is the go-to person for details about how a higher education career can begin at WVNCC and still end with a bachelor’s degree.

She said, “Many students at Northern start here to get comfortable with what attending college can mean. Their ultimate goal is to transfer from Northern to a four-year university or college and they get two rewards: a chance to have personal attention that augments success and at the same time they’ll save thousands of dollars in tuition costs. That first two years at WVNCC is perfect for them.”

Vicki L. Riley, WVNCC president, also is a booster for transfer students. “Northern has worked diligently to forge articulation agreements with a number of four-year institutions, and to update and strengthen those two plus two arrangements.” She added, “We constantly review our transfer agreements and study the need for new ones; it’s a priority.”

WVNCC currently has formalized agreements with Bethany College, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Marshall University, Strayer University, West Liberty University, West Virginia University, West Virginia Wesleyan College, West Virginia State University and Wheeling Jesuit University. Soly, who is based on the Weirton campus, said, “My job is to see to it that West Virginia Northern provides a stronger foundation for students who plan to transfer and obtain their bachelor’s degrees. We are focusing on the expansion of our transfer programs and opportunities and intend to help students seamlessly transfer from the community college to a baccalaureate institution.”

Seeing firsthand what targeting this group of students can accomplish, Soly is excited for the opportunities open to transfer students. “Because of the competitive workforce and increasing expectations, employers are seeking students who have gained a bachelor’s degree,” she said. “From Northern’s perspective, it is beneficial for students to begin their academic career at a community college because they can save money, remain close to home and fulfill family obligations. And the choice of transfer options here just keeps growing.” She explained that West Virginia Northern has a formalized core course agreement with all public institutions in West Virginia. “Students really appreciate the fact they can be assured that courses they take at one institution transfer easily to another.”

Specifics about Northern’s specialized agreements list can be found by clicking the Transfer button on the college’s website at www.wvncc.edu. The newest two plus two agreement is with West Liberty University in Community Education. Northern students earn an associate in arts degree and can earn a bachelor degree at WLU. The program allows students to choose from six different majors, including: Community Arts, Disabilities Services, Education Leadership in Faith Organizations, Museum Education, Outdoor Education, and Sports, Recreation and Wellness.


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