
Aerobics for Seniors class planned in Weirton

A free Aerobics for Seniors class will be offered on the Weirton campus of West Virginia Northern Community College from March 20 to May 3.

The class will be conducted from 6-7 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 242 on the campus at 150 Park Ave., Weirton Heights. The instructor is Carol Teaff, who also is a senior.

The registration deadline is Friday. To register, visit the Student Service Center on campus.

The community education class is designed for older men and women who want to start exercising at a moderate pace or who already exercise and want to try something new. This is a low-impact class with an emphasis on stretching and simple movements to music.

For each movement, the instructor will demonstrate how to do it the easy way or turn it up a notch so that people who are less fit can benefit. Participants should wear loose or stretchy clothing and athletic shoes; they should bring a bottle of water.


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